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The turbo-charged 121 VIP mentorship for brand new service-based entrepreneurs who want their first paying clients in the next 28 days, WITHOUT selling their soul to social media.


If you're a newbie coach, interior designer, consultant, VA, etc and you’re READY to take massive action to bag your first paying clients in the next 28 days (without touching Insta-Link-Tok) exclusively working 121 with me.

I’ve designed Side Hustle without Social (SHWOS) Intensive to not only get you your first paying clients without social media, but to do it in the next 28 days. 

My unique process has helped over 90 badass women start and grow purpose-filled service-based businesses without all the faff of social media. And you can do the same.


Tell me if this sounds familiar...

​You go to bed every Sunday dreading the week ahead because you’ve realised your 9-5 is just not what you were put on this earth to do.

​And you’ve been dying to start your own business for ages now, something that lights you TF up and fills you with purpose.

You know you’ve got some mad skills to share with the world, but every time you think about getting clients, FEAR kicks in.

What if people judge me?

What if it all goes t*ts up?

Who the hell’s gonna pay little old me when there’s already so many other amazing coaches, VAs, interior designers, etc out there?

And on top of all that, for whatever reason, you desperately want to avoid social media. But you’ve got no flippin’ idea how to get clients without it because all the gurus out there are telling you to be doing daily reels, lives and stories.

It’s no wonder you feel stuck, babe.


But with Side Hustle without Social Intensive I preach that you don’t NEED social media to get those first paying clients. In fact, trying to ‘learn’ how to do social media is just a massive distraction, a breeding ground for comparisonitis and a one-way ticket to overwhelm city.


I will mentor you 121 through this 28 Day accelerator, helping you get those first paying clients without having to even log into Instagram or LinkedIn.

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And I totally get it. When I first qualified as a coach and wanted to start getting paying clients, social media - Instagram in particular - made me really anxious. I was also sweating bullets about work finding out about my side hustle, so didn’t want to ‘out myself’ on Instagram or LinkedIn.


How do I know this is possible?

The word ‘Selling’ was pretty loaded for me as I was all about the feels and just wanted to help everybody, so dreaded sounding like a cheesy used car salesman. And every time I got to the brink of charging, I’d start tormenting myself with thoughts like ‘I’m not experienced enough yet’.​

So I felt totally f*cking stuck and completely overwhelmed because every ‘expert’ out there said that Instagram was the ‘only way’ to get paying clients. And because I didn’t have much time around my 9-5, when I did sit down to work on my biz, I had no clue what to focus on first.

Then, I had an epiphany.

The 15 years I’d spent in corporate had given me a gigantic network of people who already knew and trusted me. My low hanging fruit if you will. So why the chuff was I worrying about trying to convince strangers on Insta to buy from me?

And what if I just embraced the fact that I was a newbie and went out there with a ‘Beta’ version of an offer? That way, any potential clients would have far lower expectations of me.

And what if I offered a substantial introductory discount? That would reduce the pressure even more and make it WAY easier for people to say yes.

And what if I validated it with the market to give me confidence that it was exactly what they wanted?

That realisation bagged me my first 6 paying clients in just 4 months!! 


And now, 4 years later I:

  • Have built a £200k business that helped me ditch the corporate grind

  • Wake up every day BUZZING because I get to do what I love, having helped over 90 badass women start and grow their own purpose-filled business

  • Work how TF I want to, taking every Friday off to spend with my daughter


With Side Hustle without Social Intensive, I’m giving you the EXACT formula that I used to kickstart my side hustle into gear and bag 6 paying clients in 4 months without social media




If you're wanting to work with me 121, using a proven framework that you can use to create a banging first offer and promote it without social media, this VIP accelerator is for YOU.

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Picture this:

I want you to imagine yourself 1 month from now…

You’re no longer freaking out about how to launch your business.

You’re definitely not scared of selling or charging anymore.

You’re crystal clear on your niche and are totally obsessed with your offer. You’re telling anyone who’ll listen.

And because of this, you’ve landed your first paying clients without posting a single thing on social media, making you feel like a total boss babe.

Now, you can finally see how this business could help you quit that soul-sucking job and wake up every day doing something you love.

Sounds f*cking dreamy right?

What you get

6 hours of 121 online Strategy Sessions 

+ 3 weeks of WhatsApp Support 

  • In this 5-hour ‘Groundwork’ session we’ll dig deep, using my ‘Behind the Scenes’ attraction strategy to nail your vision, your starter niche, package up & price your sexy AF Beta offer and get you ready to validate it through market research

  • You’ll then have 2 weeks exclusive WhatsApp support from me while you’re busy doing your market research

  • Then we’ll dive into a final 60-minute ‘Out There’ session that’ll help you perfect your Beta Offer using all those juicy market research insights and then use my incredible Outreach Onion to get it out there without social media

  • You’ll then get an additional 1 week of WhatsApp support afterwards to make sure you actually do what TF you said you were going to


  • You’ll join my exclusive Client networking WhatsApp group packed full of other newbie business queens for support and to promote your offer into

  • Life-time access to a value-packed Library of epic trainings, containing over 80 videos & workbooks that you can work from at your own pace

  • Side Hustle Success Strategy: giving you the time around your 9-5, the space and the confidence to propel you out of procrastination and into action

  • Onboarding Blueprint: helping you onboard clients and do discovery calls with ease

  • Organic Growth Gameplan: teaching you all the different ways to get paying clients without social media

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Nicola landed her first client from a market research call

Up until I started coaching with Lauren, my business felt like a bit of a pipe dream. Now it feels like a tangible business.


SHWOS helped me stop overthinking and take action and her personal experience of starting a business on the side of her 9-5 and taking it full time makes her really relatable. 

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Sally bagged her first paying client and…

SHWOS gave me the momentum and strategy to progress my business that I would never have been able to achieve on my own.


The short, actionable videos meant that even on days when I felt like I had no time around my 9-5 to work on my business, I was able to dedicate bursts of ten minutes doing the RIGHT things, instead of waste hours on stuff that didn’t need to be done like building educational content for Instagram.


“I didn't think I needed a coach until I worked with Lauren! Lauren has so much depth and knowledge about owning a business and is the perfect person to get you back on track and believing in yourself! I'd recommend Lauren to anyone who is about to start a business or currently owns a business but is feeling a bit flat about it!"


"I am truly grateful to Lauren in helping me get my business and my ideas off the ground. Her no-nonsense approach is what you need at the start of any business journey. I particularly enjoyed the step by step emethods as well as access to Lauren via WhatsApp for the moments inbetween the calls. Thanks to Lauren I'm out there giving it my best shot.


"There are some things in life you know you just need to do and Lauren's side hustle coaching was that thing! 5 stars 10/10 would recommend. 

I've never had a coach before or actually thought about getting one until I saw Lauren's messages on LinkedIn and I just felt seen. I had a side business but I needed some focus to get it kick started. I had ideas and passion but I couldn't prioritise and because I couldn't prioritise, I didn't focus... until Lauren's program gave me the structure to work on my business. 

She's such an incredible human, her side hustle program is so well planned out and so helpful. 

Lauren will stop you dilly dallying and get focused on making your side hustle into a legit business"


"Before working with Lauren I was pretending to run a side hustle, I wanted it to be real but I was just talkingabout it (not often) rather than making any progress. I think it was Lauren challenging me that made all the difference, she really pushed me and forced me out of my comfort zone, there were many points along the way where I would have just gone with my first attempt, telling myself it was enough and if it wasn't for Lauren's persistence for more then perhaps I would've ended up with something mediocre. As it is I am SO bloody proud of what I've achieved. I got 2 paying clients before I even sent my final offer out. Thanks Lauren, I'd recommend you to anyone who has a dream to build their own service based side business who are stuck in overwhelm and going nowhere fast! 


You’re a newbie coach, consultant, interior designer, VA, etc and you’re READY to take MASSIVE ACTION to get your first paying clients in the next 28 days

You want to do it WITHOUT selling your soul to social media

You’ve either ‘only’ worked with people for free so far, or you’ve had some people pay you, but they feel like a fluke.

You want to work with me 121 TO GO DEEP into your business


You prefer to work in a group scenario

You’ve got no idea what business you want to start

You want to create passive income, selling a £29 course rather than working with people in real time

You want to create passive income, selling a £29 course rather than working with people in real time



  • 5-hour ‘Groundwork’ session (RRP £1,500)

  • 2 weeks exclusive WhatsApp support (RRP £350)

  • 60-minute ‘Out There’ session (RRP £300)


  • 1 week of WhatsApp support (RRP £175)




  • Exclusive client networking WhatsApp group (RRP £300)


  • Life-time access Training Library of epic trainings (RRP £750)

  • Value: £3,376

  • Price: £1800

Pick your payment option:

Pay In Full
1 x £1,800 (save 10%)

2 Month Payment plan
2 x £990


I’m opening up just 5 exclusive spots for this incredible offer in July & August and when they’re gone they’re gone. So if you’re deadly serious about getting that business off the ground, then I suggest you grab this by the balls and sign up.

So WTF are you waiting for?

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You little badass


Still on the fence?

I totally get it.


Investing in yourself is a massive decision, so if you want more info, book a 30 minute call with me here: 

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