As I sent out my first ever invoice, I felt this massive burst of pride. It wasn't for much, but it the fact that someone had agreed to pay me for my services, outside of my 9-5 job, made me feel like I was wearing a cape. I had a side hustle. I'd made it.
The rise of the side hustle

Whether it’s to earn a bit of extra cash, pursue a passion, or find that fulfilment that's missing from their corporate jobs, side hustles (or side gigs) are becoming more and more common for people in full-time employment. In fact its estimated that 1 in 4 Brits now have one,which when you think about the year we've just had is perhaps hardly surprising. Recent research by Superscript found that three in ten side hustles were started during the first lockdown.
When speaking to clients and potential clients, I hear the same thing. An acknowledgement deep down inside that they've got more to give to the world than in the job they currently have. This doesn't necessarily mean they dislike their job - in fact quite the opposite - many are happy enough, but feel slightly unfulfilled - like there's something missing personally. That's certainly what it was like for me.
Compelling reasons to start a side hustle in 2021
1. It can provide an extra income stream and who’s gonna say no to that?
It can help you start or add to your savings, pay off debt and stand on your own two feet financially. Mine has now brought me in 4-figures in less than 4 months and is enabling me to save for a house.
2. In an unstable world, having more than one income stream is massively empowering.
With more and more people feeling powerless at the threat of redundancy due to the Pandemic, taking control and starting your own business means you're taking your power back. It's something that Emma Gannon talks about in her best-selling book The Multi-Hyphen Method and for me - having always believed that Corporate Job = Stability & Security - was a whole new way of looking at things.
3. It'll bring you joy & fulfuliment.
Contrary to popular belief, side gigs don't necessarily have to be big money spinners. They can exist just makes you feel good, like you're living your purpose and taking control of your life. Sam Goldring, founder of Happy Stride says "We started Happy Stride because we saw a gap in the market for brightly coloured running short and wanted to bring some joy to the sport. The fact that it's now bringing in money is an added bonus!".
4. It’ll expand your horizons.
None of us is just one thing and we’re all more than just our corporate job title. In fact we've always been lots of different things and have different roles eg worker, mother, daughter, creative, sportswoman, etc. Why not make one of those things ‘side hustler’ or ‘entrepreneur’?
5. It’ll give you new skills
From learning how to charge what you're worth (yes, this was a struggle for me at first), to website design, to social media growth, the skills you learn as a side hustler are imeasureable and tranferable. They get your brain working in a different way again.
6. It's low risk and gives you room experiment and make mistakes.
This is something I've found really empowering and has meant that I could decide which clients I wanted to work with, rather then working with everyone out of desparation.
7. It could turn into the career of your dreams (if that's what you want)
Who knows where the side gig might lead? My client Katie Seidler, founder of Hello Haus Interior Design says "This started out as a passion project alongside my 9-5, but became so succesful that I was able to quit my corporate job and go full time. It's scary but super satisfying".
So if you feel deep down that you were meant to work for yourself, or that you've just got something more to give the world, but you're on the fence still, remember this. You do not have to quit your job to find purpose and fulfilment. I REPEAT - YOU DO NOT HAVE TO QUIT YOUR JOB. You can have both. You can bask in the corporate paycheck and start your own thing to bring yourself some joy.
So, what are you waiting for?
If you're looking for someone to help you get your side hustle up and running, or get it moving quicker (ie give you a gentle, but firm ass-kick), then book in a free discovery call to see if we vibe!

Meet Lauren
Career Change & Business Coach and Side Hustle Queen
Hi, I'm Lauren. I burnt out, hit rock bottom and used the experience to manifest my dream life. I now help passionate and ambitious women change career, start side hustles and grow businesses. I'm living proof that you can - and deserve to - have it all.
Career Change Coaching
Business Coaching