Have you worked with a few people for free, but no one's paid you yet, so you don’t feel like your ‘little’ business is legit?
If so, you’re in the right place, so you’re gonna want to keep reading…
All that ambition you once had for your job has disappeared and you know you're meant to be working for yourself.
You've been dabbling with your own business on the side because you crave the freedom to play by your own rules.
You want to work on your own terms, instead of just working your ass off for 'the man'.
You feel a fire in your soul about this business. It's not just a quick wayto make extra cash.
The good news is that after some soul-searching, you know exactly what business you're meant to have.
Perhaps its as a coach or a consultant. Maybe it's as a fitness trainer, virtual assistant, stylist or interior designer.
Perhaps you’ve retrained, or maybe you're simply using your
natural superpowers.
Either way, you want to be of service to people and get paid for it.
Exciting times, right?
You worry about who's going to pay you enough when there's so many other 'experts' already out there.
You can't see how you'll ever be able to quit your job, when there's so many other things to pay and save for.
The freedom of working for yourself feels exciting on one hand, but like being totally broke on the other. Which leaves you shit-scared of quitting your job and leaving all that financial security behind.
Perfectionism and worrying about what people might think makes you procrastinate. Everything's taking longer than it 'should'.
Your inner critic's giving you shit & making you question whether you can do this. Making you feel disappointed in yourself because you still haven’t made it happen yet.
You lack focus and consistency. You have random spurts of energy, but then do nothing for weeks.
You think you lack the business ‘know-how’ about stuff like invoicing and tax. So you get overwhelmed, spend hours researching and then end up doing nothing.
Have a solid plan to ditch your 9-5, confident that you're earning enough in your biz to eventually replace your corporate income
Look, I know 'side-hustles' can get a bad rep. For some people the term conjours up images of 'MLM schemes' or ways to make a 'quick buck' on the side.
But that's not how we roll here. I'm talking about businesses borne out of purpose and passion, done 'on the side' of your 9-5 to ease the pressure and lower the risk.
Having worked in corporate marketing for 15 years, I realised I felt totally unfulfilled. I'd always wondered deep down what it would be like to run my own business.
After having an emotional breakdown, I had a lightbulb moment. I knew I wanted to help people, so I trained to become a coach on the side of my 9-5.
I wanted to create a legit business out of it, but had no idea where the fuck to start. I didn’t want working knowing, so had a huge fear of visibility, very little confidence and felt like my lack of business skills was holding me back.
But within 6 months I’d created a 5-figure coaching business whilst holding down a full-time job.
I want to help you out of stuckness & overwhelm and into action, with a totally unique coaching programme I designed specifically for women like you & I.
It's based on my own experience of taking my side business full time and coaching over 40 women to start & grow purpose-driven businesses.
Women who once experienced the same struggles you’re facing right now.
Clarity on your vision and your WHY, to help you smash the goals we’ll set to get you out of the rat race for good
Life-changing mindset shifts and habits that will get you believing that your business holds the key to your freedom from your 9to5.
‘Behind the Scenes’ client attraction strategy [consisting of an irresistible Introductory Offer package and Outreach Plan] to attract paying clients to test your services out on. All without spending hours on social media and risking work finding out.
Done-for-you 'Business Essentials' templates and processes to make onboarding those clients as easy as pie.
My 'Badass Exit Planner' spreadsheet and video, designed to give you a reality check on your finances and a solid plan to ditch your 9to5. So you'll feel confident that you're earning enough in your biz to replace your corporate income.
Tools to improve your money mindset so you can get laser-focused on your income, keep increasing your prices over time and start charging what you’re actually worth.
Your newly tried and tested services packaged up at a price point that makes you feel confident as fuck and have your dream clients lining up to work with you.
Help getting your website live so you can show off your badass new offer to all those potential new clients.
Help coming out the side business closet at work, so you can stop leading a double life and start promoting your business publicly.
A visibility strategy to expand your network, reach & growth and sign more clients with ease.
12 x 60-minute 121 coaching sessions every fortnight, conveniently taking place on Zoom (they can be recorded so you can revisit them whenever you like)
Monthly goal setting and reviews to make sure you achieve what you set out to
Lifetime access to my online coaching modules and workbooks that you can work through at your own pace
Ongoing cheerleading and ass-kicking from me Mon-Fri between sessions via Whatsapp.
I don’t do cookie-cutter.
I pride myself on giving YOU the choice to work with me in a way that works for YOU.
At a level of support and investment that works for YOU.
So, based on YOUR budget and the level of support YOU need from me, I will create a version of the above programme to work for YOU.
And I've created a series of payment plans starting at as little as £500 per month.
Get initial paying clients quickly, without having to be all over social media
Legitmise your business, by getting serious about the money you’re bringing in
Package up your offering in a super sexy way that helps you charge more
Get visible so you can increase your reach and sign more clients
Have decided enough is enough with your unfulfilling corporate job
Are 1,000,000% committed to making a change & want a way forward
Know you can’t make that change on your own
Are a visionary who knows you’re capable of massive success
An unapologetic, badass action taker who is ready to stop at nothing to make shit happen
Want to create proper paying clients & get serious about your side business instead of playing at it
Want a plan to leave your 9-5, instead of daydreaming about it.
Are ready to level the fuck up & put your money where your mouth is
How do I know if your coaching is for me?
Chances are that if you've got this far, then it's for you! But in case there's any doubt, this programme is for the trail blazers. The powerhouses who've decided what they want to do instead of their corporate job and just need the kick up the ass to get it making monet. The ambitious and courageous grafters who know what they want and are willing to get uncomfortable to get it. If that sounds like you, then let's chat!
How will I be able to monetise my business and hold down my full time job?
You may need to make some sacrifices! It all depends on how badly you want to make your business work. Regardless, I’ll show you how to create more time and get super organised so your business doesnt come at the detriment of your wellbeing.
Can you guarantee that I’ll be running a successful business in 6 months?
There are no guarantees in life, sadly. But if you show up and take consistent, messy, imperfect action, completing all the work and following the steps I set out, you’ll see that this shit really works.
Will I make 5 figures in 6 months like you did?
How much you make is down to you. But yes, it's totally possible!
How much support will I get from you?
As well as the 12 x 60-minute 121 coaching sessions, you'll get me 'on tap Monday to Friday. I provide ongoing cheerleading and gentle ass-kicking between sessions (via Whatsapp or Voxer) throughout.
© 2023-2025 Lauren Leopold